Stanley Nzuki

I am a Computer Scientist, CEO, Writer, Space Enthusiast and Tech Researcher. I run Stansoft Corporation, an IT company based in Nairobi Kenya. I know who let the dogs out!

Kenya General Election: Social Media and Propaganda

Since the general elections were held on 9th August 2022, the country has been in constant tension as Kenyans wait for the Presidential results. The tension is attributed to a tight race between Kenya Kwanza’s William Ruto and Azimio’s Raila Odinga and propaganda spread across social media. For the first time since its creation, IEBC …

Kenya General Election: Social Media and Propaganda Read More »

Ransomware is pushing cybersecurity professionals to leave their jobs

I quit: ransomware is pushing cybersecurity professionals to leave their jobs Cybersecurity threats continue to ravage many corporations despite increased cybersecurity budgets which can be attributed to factors such as; ●     Lack of cybersecurity awareness among internet users. ●     Availability of sophisticated cybersecurity tools to plan and launch attacks. ●     Inadequate training of non-technical personnel …

Ransomware is pushing cybersecurity professionals to leave their jobs Read More »

Russia: Isolation from the global internet pushing censorship to new heights

Over the years, Russia has used internet censorship to push its agenda. Internet censorship is a common tool used in the 21st century to regulate and suppress access to certain content on the internet. While censorship is not bad when used moderately, it can be detrimental when used excessively. Some common roles of censorship are; …

Russia: Isolation from the global internet pushing censorship to new heights Read More »

UK government to move forward with implementing Huawei 5G ban

Government welcomes insights on legal instruments Since the initial launch of 5G by Huawei, the company has experienced huge setbacks from the West. First, it was the United States after the then President, Donald J Trump banned Huawei products via a national security order. The UK followed suit in 2020 when it released a detailed …

UK government to move forward with implementing Huawei 5G ban Read More »

The Cybersecurity Challenge in the African Continent

Technological Advancement and Cybersecurity It is difficult to talk about technological advancement without mentioning cybersecurity. As technology grows so does the need to protect it. Whether you work in an information security firm or you just use gadgets to surf the web, cybersecurity is at the center of your activities. As the risks associated with …

The Cybersecurity Challenge in the African Continent Read More »

The Emergence of the Black Angel Group inside of Alphabet

As we celebrate Black History Month, it is just right that we highlight the role of big tech in empowering black people. During Black History Month in 2021, Black Googlers and other Black Alphabet employees were invited to an unofficial training on angel investing. The training was put together by Google employees to train interested …

The Emergence of the Black Angel Group inside of Alphabet Read More »

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